MAN F90 1/45 [1.4.x] - ETS2planet.net

MAN F90 1/45 [1.4.x]

A well-designed Man F90 truck with many parts and accessories to customize it to your liking.
Mod features:
Everything is autonomous (car dealership Man);
3 cabins;
7 chassis;
5 engines;
2 transmissions;
3 interior colors;
Various tuning;
Cable support;
Test for ETS 2 1.45.x.
In version dated 09/29/22:
Fixed side mirrors
Added option to paint the side mirrors.
Calibrated the camera in the interior.
Fixed GPS navigation.
Increased steering column diameter by 120% (percent).
Fixed engine sounds.
Balanced the reverberation of sounds in the interior.
Added new engines and sounds.
Added new types of gearboxes.
Cleaned the log from errors by 50% (percent).
Updated in company, dealer and truck gallery.
Authors: Voditel102rus, Kirill Mladshev, stass556, Lexa, Madster, Vlad5236, Truckercharly, Unic
Update: CyrusTheVirus
1.45 adaptation: Etophia
Truck reconstruction help: Master_Yoda
1.45 adaptation: AJIEHA


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  Direct Download LinksFile: MAN-F90_v3.02_ETS2_v1.45.x.rar (95.52 MB)

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