Ultimate ETS2 Speed Mod – 280km/h + Guaranteed

This a mod for the ultimate speed rush a person can get in Euro Truck
Simulator 2.

This mod will work on “All Truck Models”.

After applying the mod in your profile, go to shop and buy my limited
edition engine and gear box which will cost a total of 200 Euro.

This mod will also apply “zero damage” to your truck, so you don’t
have to worry about the huge repair bill after crushing while trying
to reach 300km/h.



4.6/5 - (56 votes)

  Direct Download Links
Warning: filesize(): stat failed for /home/ets2planet/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/speed_mod_by_onick.rar in /home/ets2planet/public_html/wp-content/themes/gameleon/single.php on line 354
File: speed_mod_by_onick.rar (0 bytes)


  1. yolo mc swaggins says:

    hey you know if you want the engine cheaper you just tamper with the files and voila

  2. trucker says:

    The truck speed is working fine, but zero damage is not working on 1.4.1. Can you fix and update it. Thanks

  3. dave says:

    everytime i buy it it crashes i got rid off it

  4. ETS 2 PRO DRIVER says:

    im testing it and it looks good i got and i love it and i love the 0 crash T.Y.


  5. rafael says:

    In is demage in my truck

  6. rayo says:

    doesnt work, only get 90 and D1?! have no speed limit thingy to :/

  7. walang says:

    perfect ….
    my truck can until 310 km/h

  8. daniel says:

    what shop?plss help

  9. IWAN says:

    how to install it? tell me please…

  10. trucker says:

    hi your mod not working in 1.11.1 can u make mod for 1.11.1

  11. bLACK hAWK says:

    sINCE I installed this mod, my truck has been acting like it was possessed by the Dark Hadou Power

  12. Elite says:

    fake i haven’t found engine and gearbox

  13. ens says:

    heyy can ı help someone

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