Mack Anthem SCS ETS2 1.38.х Repair [1.35.x] - ETS2planet.net

Mack Anthem SCS ETS2 1.38.х Repair [1.35.x]

Replace in profile: Mack Anthem SCS ETS2.scs
Fixed the left hood mirror
In the archive:
1. Mack Anthem New Interior.scs
2. Mirror alignment for Mack Anthem.scs
3. Mack_MP8_engine_sound.scs
4. Mack Anthem SCS ETS2.scs
In Traffic
In the list of modifications
Salon: Mack
Please do not post this mod without permission on other ETS 2 resources !!

SCS, losevo58, DUKE, Kriechbaum, gabenz88

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7nCF5ENNaQ&feature=emb_logo https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=622&v=yxTUVynqIOM&feature=emb_logo

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  Direct Download Links

File: Mack_Anthem_SCS_ETS2.7z (31.53 MB)

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