Version: 2.0.
Competible 1.35-1.36
Hi guys this mod changes Mercedes Benz actros mp4 sound with real,
this mod changes what?
-Mercedes Benz actros mp4 16lt real engine sound.
-Mercedes Benz actros mp4 16lt start sound stop sound etc….
-Mercedes Benz actros mp4 16lt retarder sound.
-Mercedes Benz actros mp4 16lt turbo sound.
-Mercedes Benz actros mp4 16lt engine brake sound.
-Powershift gear air sound added.
-Headlights turn xenon.
-Powershift transmission sound added.
-interior new engine sound added.
-İnterior engine stop sound changed.
-İnterior retarder and gear sound changed.
NOTE: This mod work with Alex mercedes mp4 reworks tho.
Dont forget this mod making for 16 lt(OM473) engines xx51,xx52,xx58,xx63.
ıf you love this mod and wanna support me you can premıum download
or my webmoney account webmoney wme:E895382052601

File: actros_mp4_om473_sound.scs (9.31 MB)
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