Hello my fellow friendly truckers! Some of you have been waiting for
this for several days and that wait is finally over!
Presenting my V8 Scania sound mod with real Scania V8 Engine sounds
that i have recorded and refined from actual real life trucks in my
Countless hours have gone into refining this sound mod with feedback
from the ETS 2 community for that perfect sound.
I want to give BIG thanks to 50Keda, krsele, kamaz and SpeedyBk
without whom this mod would not have been possible.
50Keda for his fantastic Scania and letting me use this sound on his
SpeedyBK for the exhaust sound.
Ksrele for suberb retarder sound.
Kamaz for the base and custom transmission.
The mod comes in two separate packages, one for use with 50keda’s
Scania R2008 and one for the stock SCS Scania.
Thank you all and best regards ComandoreOne.
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