Scania Ristimaa Tiger

This truck obviously made by others who claims that it is their truck,

I don’t have any SCSUNlocker nore have i found this skin seen on the internet or on Truck Simulation websites!

READ THIS FIRST! Before filling the comments with Your dirt and sleese!

NOBODY OWNS SKINS! Everybody is free to make whatever he likes!
And if there is any simularity? That is a fact NOBODY can change!
For example if someone makes a Eddie Stobart skin and someone else makes the same (by the way there are a lot of Stobarts for Euro Truck Simulator 2 without creditting one and other) than You hear Nobody, OFFCOURSE NOT! It is an Eddie Stobart! (and Freddy Jimmink did not make it, so we have no-one to trip on!!)

So that means if i want to make a Ristimaa or Second bitch, Jens Bode or James S. Hislop skin than i am a thief? Answer: No! I make my version of the skin and i don’t have te credit anyone becaus it’s MY skin, only thing i have to do out of respect is, telling that someone else made the skin his way!

So next time if You ban me, that’s fine by me i don’t need You or Your site!
If You talh bad or dirty about me, it is Your responseblillity!

And be than so respectfull to DON’T place my work on Your site and DON’T
make it know at what soever way!

With alldue respect,


Scania Sound mod by Robisierra
Scania Chrome wheels by Freddy Jimmink
Sunshield_05 skinned by Freddy Jimmink
Scania Ristimaa by Freddy Jimmink

Freddy Jimmink Esclusive Custom Skins, The Netherlands

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Warning: filesize(): stat failed for /home/ets2planet/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Scania-R-730-Ristimaa-Tiger-by-Freddy-J.rar in /home/ets2planet/public_html/wp-content/themes/gameleon/single.php on line 354
File: Scania-R-730-Ristimaa-Tiger-by-Freddy-J.rar (0 bytes)

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