Modified Peterbilt 389 1.2.1 - ETS2planet.net

Modified Peterbilt 389 1.2.1

Peterbilt modified 1.2.1

– fixed error in 8×4 chassis (the 2 middle axles were powered not the last 2)
– made front grill and front bumper visible from interior view, so you can see accessories (lamps or bumper sticks) from inside
– added some wheels (converted preta rodas wheels from pre patch 1.17 mod)
– started tweaking some def files (cat engine torque), but not final
– some more small fixes

Thing to do and future plans:

tweaking def’s
own wheels
3rd type of chassis with round front lights


Builder by Ivan (Haulin)
Import ATS/GTS and building : Kenworth58(2)
GTS import: Iljaxas
Parts : Ivan, Superman, Classick, Bayonett, Artic Wolf, Cedric, Peter379, Colonel, Dylan, Matt, Steve, Bora, Rowan, Sascha, Chris, maxx2504
Convert to ETS 2: “dmitry68″, “Stas556″

maxx2504, viper2

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  Direct Download LinksFile: Modified-Peterbilt-389-1.2.1.zip (56.18 MB)

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