Itarevamp by lelux v 1.1 [1.5.x] - ETS2planet.net

Itarevamp by lelux v 1.1 [1.5.x]

This version (1.1) contains 3 new towns marked on the map, Porto Torres, Cardedu, and Pontedera, a new little section of road opened in Olbia, bugfixes, reworked v 1 areas, and some new mountains and re-designed landscapes. Mod is ready for Balkans dlc with the new sectors in Ancona and Bari. The mod is NOT COMPATIBLE with other mods regarding Italian territory! You need all of the dlc’s.
It works with 1.49 but also with 1.50 experimental.


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  Direct Download LinksFile: itarevamp_1.1.scs (73.66 MB)

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