Audi RS4 Update

Audi RS4 Update: Stronger engine, new transmission, with selfmade


Forza Motorsport 3, Jack EVO, by maz_man™, jon-ruda, Johnson
Rudnosein, nfsprodriver.

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File: rs42.rar (0 bytes)


  1. leehyunjin says:

    This is Special. I first see it

  2. hunter says:

    i downloaded now where do i buy it?

  3. Volvo man says:

    Where can I buy this car?

  4. Gustav says:

    Buy at DAF store

  5. Anonymous says:


    ar u kidding

  6. red says:

    i cant see it at the daf dealer….

  7. jimson says:

    mighty car! 🙂

  8. no name says:

    Great job for the sound update, bro! there’s a lot more room to improve for the map on the dashboard, dashboard digital display, speedometer, and left mirror. but overall, this is a great mod.

  9. blue man says:

    Where can I buy this car?

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