BMW X6 + passengers mod

Works in 1.3.1 and if you find car, you should go Iveco showroom and select BMW cabin, chasis, wheels.
You can drive this car!

And you can use passenger trailer.



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Warning: filesize(): stat failed for /home/ets2planet/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/BMWX6FurkanSevke.rar in /home/ets2planet/public_html/wp-content/themes/gameleon/single.php on line 354
File: BMWX6FurkanSevke.rar (0 bytes)


  1. ougesh says:

    cool mods

  2. matthew says:


  3. Dean says:

    Matthew The Password is the name in the credits lol

  4. Daniel says:

    Excellent, hope it works in 1.7.1. Thank you very much!

  5. tugsbayr says:

    it is working in version 1.7.0

  6. dominik says:

    i can´t open the credits,because i must enter the password

  7. admin says:

    Password is: FurkanSevke

  8. DAMIAN says:

    cool mod 🙂

  9. Ayub says:

    it works in 1.8.25?

  10. Burak says:

    Where to buy it? How to buy it? Please help!

  11. Burak says:

    I found Iveco, but it crashes after selcting BMW cabin

  12. Beast says:

    Where is the Download Link?

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